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Tree Protection Systems

Cabling & Bracing


Cabling is a necessary and common practice in arborculture today. Tree limbs that lean heavily, specially over a house or structure, or large limbs that are growing close to 90 degree angles are possible candidates for a tree cabling system.


There are different types of trees that are more prone to needing this type of tree protection system than others. For some tree species, it is not logical to install a cabling system. Most of the time, if a tree has a limb that is growing towards a house or structure at a high angle or degree, then a cable should be recommended.


For example, if a customer has a large double leader Poplar tree that is close to their house. Most likely, a cable should be installed to strengthen the crotch at the bottom where most of the weight is tensioned. A cable in the upper 2/3’s of the tree up from the crotch will greatly reduce the chances of one of the large leaders breaking out or splitting.


Many times it is necessary to install more than one cable in a tree. For example, an old Silver Maple tree naturally has limbs that are very large and grow more towards a 90 degree angle, making the limbs prevalent to storm damage or splitting out even from its own weight. It is common that this type of tree will need 4 or 5 cables, even multiples running from the same limb.


Each scenario is different, and an arborist can identify the right decisions. The tree to be cables or braced should always be pruned before the tree support system is installed.


Cabling Versus Bracing

Cables are made of 7-strand galvanized steel, and are installed in a tree by drilling into the main stem and screwing in an lag hook. If the cabling job is done correctly, the cable will be pulled tight between the two stems being cabled together. There are many ‘jimmy rigged’ cabling jobs out there, so be careful who you hire. Ensure that the company will be installing the tree support system using ANSI standards.


There are 3 types of cabling – Direct, Triangular, and Box cabling. Please keep in mind these are only some examples, there are other cabling scenarios as well. It is best to discuss with an arborist the best method as each tree/limb will be different.


Cables are in-expensive, advantageous, and used very often to maintain and prolong the life of a tree.


Braces are steel rods that provide more support than a cable, but are not as dynamic. Braces are not used as often as cables, as they are only recommended for major strengthening of a large leader or trunk. Most of the time, if a tree needs a brace, often the tree is considered hazardous and removal is recommended or necessary. There are circumstances for bracing a tree however, and again it is best to consult your arborist to make a determination what should be done.


The negative aspects of installing a cable in your tree, is that cables are steel. And steel is a conductor, therefore it can attract lightning.


Lightning Protection System

Many have seen a tree that has withstood a lightning strike. It is a very obvious marking, a large strike usually a four to six inch damaged section of the bark going most of the way down the trunk of the tree.


Most of the time, if a tree is a candidate for a LPS, it is a large ,older, more valuable tree located in a area where multitudes of people gather. For example, a golf course is a prime example.


A Lightning Protection System is made up of Copper Wire that runs Advancedng the selected limbs, down the trunk and approx one foot into the ground. The idea is so if lightning strikes the tree, the conducive copper will take the strike (not the tree), and the bolt will run down the copper Advancedng side the tree and into the ground. Therefore, the impact of the strike is mitigated by the copper, thus resulting is much less or no damage if properly handled.


Lightning Protection Systems should be routinely checked, to ensure that growth has not altered the installation. Lightning Protection Systems are expensive, and usually only used on highly valuable large trees.


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